Planning in Advance

What kind of portraits are you looking for? How many people are involved? A couple? A family? Maybe an individual? Get a clear sense on exactly what it is you desire from your portrait shoot and proceed to communicate your ideas to the professional working with you. Understand framing, colors and anything else that will help you better prepare.

They will guide you on exactly how to go about it as well as have the space and time to figure out how to best deliver on what you want.

Makeup & Hair

Many of our customers come at studios straight from a grooming session at the barber or salon. Though this is sometimes helpful, hair style and make-up are best done well before your shoot.

Studio or location?

Those going in for an outdoor photo shoot would do well to be clear on where this is being done. A visit to the location is also helpful so you know what you need in terms of clothing. Further, if you’re shooting by a riverside at sunset, a casual dress might be a good idea! Knowing your location in advance helps you prepare better for the actual day.

Snacks and Supplies

Photo-shoots can at times be a workout even for the model. You could get hungry, thirsty or both. Hunger and thirst begin to change our mood and show up on our faces after a while.

Make sure you carry adequate water and maybe a couple of energy bars. Basically, anything to sustain and nourish you for the duration of your photo session.

portrait tricks



The more punctual you are, the more time you and the professional you’re working with will have to focus on the photo shoot at hand. Make sure you arrive at the studio or location at least ten minutes before your prescribed time. This will ensure that nothing is rushed and everything runs in time!


Decide on what outfit you want to wear before your shoot. Ask for the professional recommendations on colors and other props that might need to enhance your final photographs.


Photo Shoot Portraits can be fun, exciting and hugely rewarding! Follow some tips; be ready, planned, punctual and prepared for an outstanding experience!

If you are looking for a professional portrait or wedding photographer in the Boston area, give us a call at 781-306-1110